Vargáné Kiss Katalin tantárgyprogramjai
Szakmai idegen nyelv I/2
- Oktató: Vargáné Dr. Kiss Katalin
- Kreditpont: 3
- Óraszám: heti 2
- A kurzus célja: a hallgatók gazdasági szakszókincsének bővítése, üzleti levelek írása, a tárgyalt témakörök bemutatása
- Kötelező tananyag: Az oktató által kiadott segédanyagok
- Ajánlott irodalom:
- Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Ken, S. (2012): Pre-Intermediate Market Leader. Pearson.
- Naterop, B, Weis, E., Haberfellner, E. (2008): Business Letters for all. OUP.
- Értékelés: folyamatos számonkérés, 5 fokozatú skála
- Kurzus teljesítésének feltétele:
- 40% házi feladat (üzleti levél, fogalmazás)
A beadandó feladatokat Word formátumban, e-mailben kell az oktató számára ( elküldeni a megadott határidőig.
- 60% szóbeli számonkérés, órai munka
Week |
Course material |
1. |
Revision |
2. |
New Business: economic terms, forms of business organisations, new business ideas |
3. |
New Business: Case study, language use: time clauses, dealing with numbers |
4. |
Marketing: 4 Ps, marketing campaign, Adidas and the Chinese market |
5. |
Marketing: Case study: SWOT analysis, Language use: Making a questionnaire |
6. |
Business letters: terms of payment and terms of delivery |
7. |
Making business plans, situations |
8. |
Managing People: Managers’ tasks and characteristics |
9. |
Motivating people, Language use: Reported speech |
10. |
Conflict management – Dispute resolution; language use: conditionals |
11. |
Product description, Language use: passive voice |
12. |
Presenting a product |
13. |
Business letters: faults and problems, handling complaints |
14. |
Oral test |
Professional Foreign Language I
- Number of hours per week: 2
- Lecturer’s name: Vargáné Dr. Kiss Katalin
- The aim of the course: to provide intensive vocabulary input and practice, to develop presentation skills and accuracy in speech and writing
- Pre-study requirement: none
- Language knowledge requirement for the course: B2+/ C1 level according to the CEFR
- Compulsory course material:
- Course material set by the lecturer
- Recommended literature:
- Emmerson, P. (2013): Business Vocabulary Builder Intermediate to upper-intermediate. MacMillan.
- Emmerson, P. (2011): Business English Handbook Advanced. Macmillan
- Number of credits: 3
- Evaluation: continuous assessment, five-scale grading
- 40% active participation in the lessons and home assignments
- 60% oral presentations
1. |
Industries and companies Trends, graphs and figures |
2. |
Industries and companies Trends, graphs and figures |
3. |
Globalisation and economic policy Presentations – structure and key phrases |
4. |
Globalisation and economic policy Presentations – structure and key phrases |
5. |
Corporate strategy and structure Linking words: cause and effect relationships |
6. |
Corporate strategy and structure Linking words: comparing and contrasting |
7. |
Oral presentations |
8. |
Managing people Listening comprehension |
9. |
Managing people Listening comprehension |
10. |
Operations management Discussions |
11. |
Operations management Discussions |
12. |
Production Describing processes |
13. |
Production Describing processes |
14. |
Oral presentations |
Professional Foreign Language II
- Number of hours per week: 2
- Lecturer’s name: Vargáné Dr. Kiss Katalin
- The aim of the course: to provide intensive vocabulary input and practice, to develop presentation skills and accuracy in speech and writing
- Pre-study requirement: none
- Language knowledge requirement for the course: B2+/ C1 level according to the CEFR
- Compulsory course material:
- Course material set by the lecturer
- Recommended literature:
- Emmerson, P. (2013): Business Vocabulary Builder Intermediate to upper-intermediate. MacMillan.
- Emmerson, P. (2011): Business English Handbook Advanced. Macmillan
- McCarthy, M., O’Dell, F. (2008): Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: CUP.
- Number of credits: 3
- Evaluation: continuous assessment, five-scale grading
- 40% home assignments
- 60% oral presentations (week 7 and week 14)
1. |
Marketing strategy and product development Language use: Academic Vocabulary |
2. |
Distribution and promotion Academic Vocabulary |
3. |
Language of discussions |
4. |
Human resources Language use: Reporting what others say |
5. |
CV and job interview Language use: Talking about facts, evidence and data |
6. |
Linking words |
7. |
Oral presentation |
8. |
Company Finance: Financial Statements |
9. |
Interpreting company performance Language use: Analysis of results |
10. |
Financial markets and investments Language use: Developing an argument |
11. |
Style: Politeness and softening; clarity and emphasis |
12. |
Information and Communication Technology Paraphrasing and summarising |
13. |
Paraphrasing and summarising |
14. |
Oral presentation |